
My name is Margaux and I am a certified pediatric sleep consultant and founder of Moonlight Sleep Solutions.  I am a very proud mama of two beautiful and energetic boys and I have them to thank for leading me down this path of helping families get the much needed sleep they deserve!  As a mom of not one, but two boys who were poor sleepers, I know what it feels like to be exhausted.  I know the strain it puts on your mental well being as well as your relationship with your spouse and family.  I want to help you!

When I found out we were expecting our first child, I was absolutely over the moon.  As a career event planner, I couldn’t wait to start planning the arrival of our little man and most of all start decorating the nursery and picking out the perfect crib where he would be spending so much time…..wrong!  


The arrival of our son in January of 2015 was the best gift I had ever received.  That unconditional newborn love and the endless cuddles and kisses were everything I had dreamed of….until it wasn’t.  Parenting was harder than I ever imagined - in fact it was the most difficult thing I had ever done in my life.  How do mom’s do this?  Maybe I’m not cut out to be a mom?  Am I a bad mom?  These were the constant thoughts running through my head as I would sit up in the middle of the night for hours on end with my baby who just wouldn’t go to sleep.  We did it all….rocking, bouncing, baby wearing, stroller walks, car rides you name it.  The sheer exhaustion became unbearable.  I started suffering from postpartum depression. 

My relationship with my husband was spiralling.    My mental and physical health was at an all time low.  One night my husband found me sitting on the living room floor in a puddle of tears (with our crying baby in my arms) - I simply couldn’t do this anymore.  That night we made a promise to each other that we would seek help, and we did.  We found our angel on earth - a Sleep Sense consultant who we immediately started working with.  Fast forward to the third night into our sleep program and our son slept for 11.5 hours straight that night - of course my husband and I didn’t sleep that well as we kept going in to his room to check on him...was he ok?  YES, he was amazing!  He learned how to sleep independently.  I still remember the morning after this marathon sleep session when he woke up and we walked into his room - he had the biggest smile on his face as if he was to say ‘I did it mom!’.  We never looked back and to this day we still say, ‘why didn’t we do that sooner’.  Prior to working with our sleep consultant, we were convinced that our little guy had colic or that there were some other reasons that led to his unhappy and tearful demeanor.   We quickly realized that he was simply sleep deprived.  Once we got him on the right track with long naps and 11-12 hours of sleep at night, our grumpy little guy became a new baby...full of smiles, energy and a new zest for life. 

3 years later we were blessed with another healthy baby boy and since we put in our days with a poor sleeper the first time around, we ‘knew’ our second little bundle of joy would be a good sleeper….wrong!  Luckily this time around,  we knew that there was a solution and we had the tools and techniques to implement healthy sleep habits from the beginning to set our family up for restful nights!   

I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with families who may be experiencing the same challenges we did.  I want to pay it forward.  I want to be the one to help your family get the sleep that you desperately need.  I can’t wait to hear from you! 
